Weekly Reflection of School Internship Program Phase -II (Week-6)

Weekly Reflection of School Internship Program  Phase -II 

Week - VI (31/12/2018 - 04/01/2019)

                          The  6th week of my school internship program  is  quite interesting and useful. After the Christmas vacation the school had reopened on 31st December. In this week only 3 days  are working  but I got 7 periods on Monday in  Ist period I taught the  topic oral communication using ICT .I  used video ,PowerPoint Presentation and activity card to transact the topic effectively and  in  3rd period I implemented the health education lesson on the topic drug abuse using ICT it helped the learners to identify the ill effects  of drug abuse and different kind of drug . On Tuesday due to the lack of teachers I got 3 periods in 3rd period I taught the topic written communication using ICT I used video, power point presentation and activity card to transact the topic and the learners were able to identify the merits and demerits of written communication then in 4th    period the students presented the seminar report  on the topic improving effective communication as prescribed early and in 5th period I implemented the innovative lesson transcript. It was a new experience to the learners I was able to transact the topic more effectively with the game session and difference case studies.I had completed the chapter Directing. Wednesday was a public holiday due to Mannam Jayanthi.On Thursday was not working due to harthal. On Friday also I got 2 periods in 4th period  I conducted my achievement test and in  6th  period I implemented the  yoga lesson  it help the learners to understand the step, benefits of vajarasan.  This week is more interesting than the previous week .This week provide more valuable experience to my school internship program.

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