Weekly Reflection Of School Internship Program Phase - II ( Week -4)

Weekly Reflection Of School Internship Program Phase - II

Weekly -IV(26-11-18 to 29-11-18)

             Fourth week of my school internship program was quite normal. We got only four working days in this week. In the end of the week, on  Friday there was no regular class due to KSU educational strike. But I got six periods in this week. On Monday I got 2 periods. In the 2nd period I taught the topic feature of leadership using inquiry training model and used power point to   explain the features of leadership. In the 6th periods I taught the topic importance of leadership using ICT .I showed a video to introduce the topic and provided group discussion and concluded it by showing Power point presentation. On Tuesday in 5th period I taught the topic leadership style using 5E model I used different examples to elaborate the topic along with Power point presentation. On Wednesday in the 4th period student presented the seminar as prescribed early. On Thursday in the 6th period I taught the topic meaning of communication using concept attainment model I used flash card with positive and negative examples. On Friday I didn’t get any class due to the strike. In this week I was able to attain my predefined object effectively with the co-operation and coordination of the students.

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