
According to the curriculum of our B.Ed, we had conducted the Socially Useful Productive Work On 6th December 2017. Together we decided to make glass painting and sponge dolls. This give an opportunities to students to  learning a new art and creative work. We did this work in the afternoon section from 1.30pm to 3.30 pm. The concept of socially useful productive work in education is one of the recent concept in Indian education. It has been developed out of Gandhiji’s educational ideas which laid stress on work centered education, having practical utility to the society. It was aimed at bringing student closer to a real understanding of the socio – economic, cultural and political needs, capacities and aspirations of their society and helping them to contribute to the society

v To acquainted students with the world of work and service to the community.
v To develop in them a sense of respect for manual work and to develop dignity of labour.
v To develop a desire to be a useful member of the society the cultivation of positive attitudes towards team work and socially desirable values like self-reliance, tolerance, co-operation etc.
v To develop them in a spirit to participate in productive work as they go from one work to another.
v To develop them understanding the participants involved in various form of work.

v To provide opportunity for creative self-expressions and for the development of creative work.
Planning Phase
For Socially Useful Productive Work , Initially  we had to make many preparations There was a lot of material needed for the development of the product. As instructed by the trainer, we had already collected the material. We collected 80 rupees from each student to purchase the required materials. For this purpose, we had decided all the students should gathered together in the classroom on 6th December 2017 at 1.30
Execution Phase
 Details of Activities
We did the work of socially useful and beneficial work together on December 6, 2017 in our class together. Glass painting taught to us by the trainers named Preethi.R and the preparation sponge doll taught by Aswathy .S
Glass painting
Materials required for the preparation of Glass Paint
1.    OHP Sheet
2.    Glass paint/Glass Colour Water Based
3.    Picture
4.    Out liner
The trainer distribute the picture necessary for the preparation of glass painting. The picture is on a white paper and we had place a OHP sheet on top of that picture, and the form of that picture will make its picture above the OHP sheet with the out liner along with glass paint. Make the scenario, it should be done carefully. Make a complete look of the scenario. After this had kept it for drying approximately 10 to 15 minutes. After drying it had paint the scenario with variety of colors and completed that picture, then it will keep it to dry.
Sponge Dolls 
Materials required for the preparation of Sponge Dolls
1.    Sponges
2.    Eye (1 pair)
3.    Nose
4.    Rubber band
5.    Gum
6.    Ribbon
First of all, sponges are needed to make dolls. We had make the head of the doll first, rubbing the sponge i.e. will putting the rubber band in top and then we made the ears and two hands. After this, the nose and the eyes has been fixed by gum and beautiful dolls is ready.

                  From this Socially Useful Productive Work we are able to learn glass paintings and sponge dolls form. It was very beneficial and helpful for us. This is a kind of vocational education the glass painting art work had a wide scope in commercial field. This SUP Work had entertained through the beneficial work. There was also a new experience to the students. We are also thank full to the conductors of the activity.



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