
Showing posts from January, 2019

Moral Development Class


Weekly Reflection of School Internship Program Phase -II (Week-7)

   Weekly Reflection of School Internship Program Phase -II  Week - VII (07/01/2019 - 10/01/2019)                          The last week of my school internship program was  very interesting. I feel so sad  to say goodbye to school campus in that week because I was able to understand     the affection and the attachment  of the teachers and students  toward me when  I said   goodbye   to them. In this week we got only two days .On Monday  in 3 rd  period I  conducted the diagnostic test to find out the area of difficulty  on the topic motivation.  .Tuesday and Wednesday are not working due to strike .Then on Thursday in 4th period  I provided effective      remedial teaching using videos and PowerPoint presentation for the area of difficulty. On the same day we distributed sweets to teachers, students and non-teaching staffs and express our heartfelt gratitude and thanks to  all for their support, love and all other helps. After collecting the attendance register with zea

Weekly Reflection of School Internship Program Phase -II (Week-6)

Weekly Reflection of School Internship Program  Phase -II  Week - VI (31/12/2018 - 04/01/2019)                                   The  6th week of my school internship program  is  quite interesting and useful. After the Christmas vacation the school had reopened on 31st December. In this week only 3 days  are working  but I got 7 periods on Monday in  I st  period I taught the  topic oral communication using ICT .I  used video ,PowerPoint Presentation and activity card to transact the topic effectively and  in  3 rd  period I implemented the health education lesson on the topic drug abuse using ICT it helped the learners to identify the ill effects  of drug abuse and different kind of drug . On Tuesday due to the lack of teachers I got 3 periods in 3 rd  period I taught the topic written communication using ICT I used video, power point presentation and activity card to transact the topic and the learners were able to identify the merits and demerits of written communicatio

Innovative lesson Transcript
